Joined: Nov 20, 2008
Points: 1
toro 824 xl snow blower
Original Message Nov 20, 2008 6:05 pm |
I have an older toro snowblower (model 824 XL) that I bought used. I removed the plastic cover which exposes the belts and pulleys so I could inspect the belts, etc... I noticed that when I engaged the belt for the auger the lower main pulley would move up and down. So I then removed the auger body unit from the motor/drive section and noticed that there is some type of bushing with a metal housing (reminds me of a ball and socket) which the main auger shaft runs thru and connects to the lower main pulley . My question is: should this pulley have any up & down movement at all??? should I replace this bushing? also could someone tell me if there is an exploded view out on the internet that I could look at and be able to oredr the corect part(s) for my year & model snowblower. Thanks for any help.....