I said electric chute rotator.It's on the signature pro models.I think your machine will have less problems than the pro model .What happens if that chute rotator fails ?Can it be manually overridden?
I doubt it. If I recall correctly, there were a number of complaints on this forum regarding the electronic chute/deflector control on quite a few brands of snow throwers. Yeah. It's something to watch guys in the shops going ga-ga over electric joy sticks and giggling when the servo motors make their neat robotic sounds. Not so great when the servo mechanism freezes and they can't change the direction of the chute. I watched one guy do his entire driveway in one direction because he had lost control of the chute. Due to the location of his house, he can only throw snow one way. So he'd make a forward pass throwing snow, drag the machine all the way back and repeat. Really now, is it that difficult to turn a crank or pull a lever? Do we need an electric motor to do the work of two fingers and a thumb? The more we support this type of design philosophy, the more it will prevail over the more simple, sensible and reliable designs. SAY NO TO THE GIZMO!!!!