Location: Wisconsin
Joined: Jan 8, 2008
Points: 50
Summerize Snowblower -- monthly startup or fuel shut-off? Original Message Aug 3, 2008 12:42 pm
Last fall, I bought a new Simplicity snowthrower (1524P) with a Briggs OHV engine. Per the dealer's instructions, at the end of the season, I put extra fuel stabilizer in a full tank and have been starting it up about once every month, letting it run for 10-15mins, rather than turning the fuel shut off. His reasoning was avoiding dry rot in the fuel lines. Additionally, I make a point of buying non-reformulated gas for both my snowblower and mower. I don't mind the monthly startup, but it's kind of a pain. Would I achieve as good or better results by turning off the fuel line and leaving it just sit all summer? Is dry rot really an issue to be concerned about?
Re: Summerize Snowblower -- monthly startup or fuel shut-off? Reply #4 Aug 5, 2008 9:27 am
That's right. Turning off the fuel line and allowing the engine to run the carb empty will get most of the fuel out of the carb. I normally siphon out the fuel in off season equipment and transfer it to current use equipment. I like the idea of fresh fuel and fresh oil for a fresh start to a new season.
Location: Las Vegas, The Desert
Joined: Apr 12, 2008
Points: 600
Re: Summerize Snowblower -- monthly startup or fuel shut-off? Reply #5 Aug 15, 2008 3:15 am
non-reformulated gas? Where do you get that? The only "real gasoline" is avaiation fuel, but than again, it has lead in it still. (real lead 8 times as much as old auto gas). Anyway aviation fuel 100ll hasn't any fuel additives.... dosn't sour, just evaporates.
I suspect he means "no alcohol added". I've noticed that some gas stations state that their gas has "up to x%" alcohol added.Normally the percentage goes up as the grade goes down. I.E. Bronze is up to 10% while Silver is up to 5%. Normally premium is touted as 0%. I have had to replace gas lines ( cracking at the connections) and the dealer I bought the new lines from said that the alcohol was causing the lines to stiffen faster than normal.