Location: wisconsin
Joined: Dec 15, 2005
Points: 155
8 hp hm80 tecumseh horizontal shaft float adjustment Original Message Jan 26, 2008 1:47 pm
been having trouble with starting so i took the carb off and cleaned everything and checked float height. the book says 11/64 opposite the hing pin and i cannot get the adjustment to that spec because the bend on the inside edge of the tang is too high. i bent the tang on the outside to just about touch the float and it still is larger than the spec by about a 1/16". i know the carb was never set up with the tang bent like that from new so i am questioning it should be that way now. i rebent it back to a larger tolerance than 11/64 and the float is sitting pretty level to the casting now. was there any other float height specs listed for this engine? it was bought new in the mid 80's .
Re: 8 hp hm80 tecumseh horizontal shaft float adjustment Reply #2 Jan 26, 2008 3:20 pm
Usually, if you can get the float level with the carb body/bowl seam, it should work just fine. After completing the adjustment, carefully hold the carb with the float down and gently lift the float and try to observe the float needle to see if it's moving freely and that it seats firmly when the float is at it's maximum elevation. That will ensure the needle movement is unobstructed and the needle is seating properly to prevent leaking or over filling the float bowl.