I placed this informaton on another thread. However, for those of you who like to work on your machines, you might like this idea if you have a steel chute.
I bought a new Simplicity 9528 with the steel chute. Knowing that sooner or later, end of driveway clearing will pass a lot of sand and stones through it, I made a bit of a modification. I lined the inside of the chute with a piece of Krazy Kapet. That's those inexpensive pieces of plastic that kids use to slide down hills. Fortunately, the chute on the Simplicity seem ideally suited for this. Took a little fitting and cutting but it looks pretty good. I put the slippery side out so the snow will have very little resistance. No holes had to be drilled. The Simplicity chute had two holes conveniently located at the bottom front and I used the deflector bolt to attach one side at the top. I doubt that it will require 2nd hole at the top on the opposite side. By leaving one side at the top free, it will allow the plastic to conform with the shape of the chute while under pressure from the snow moving through it. Well, that's my theory anyway. This is my first attempt at this so, we'll have to wait to see how it work.
This message was modified Nov 23, 2007 by borat