The remote trigger will allow you to turn easily in either direction but only one way ( left) will be "powered". Its just toggling the release of the wheel lock on one side so that only the right wheel is driven when the traction control is engaged. The Ariens has a true differential and the trigger has to be held down to lock the differential and make it hard to turn. I've heard that most people hardly ever lock the differential because it does what they want in "normal" mode.
Both machines are considered top tier so I have a hunch either will do the job with little or no problems.
As far as features are concerned the Simplicity is more comparable to the Ariens 1332LE in that both use a remote axle release system. The Ariens DLE machines use a true differential.
Despite what the Consumers Reports article says about the "Power Boost" feature it does NOT sense how deep the snow is. Its actually a variable diameter pulley system. When the machine is under enough load the pulleys change diameter and you end up with a lower "gear" ratio that gives you more power but less speed. I've never used it so I don't know how useful it is. I simply either slow down or take less of a bite per swath.
In any case both machines are really nice. It sounds like you have tried both out and have a preferance for the Simplicity. If service and parts availablility are the same then I'd say go with your preference.
This message was modified Mar 2, 2007 by nibbler