Location: Mansfield, MA
Joined: Dec 5, 2005
Points: 120
Tecumseh H40 mounting issue Original Message Jun 19, 2006 3:25 pm
I am trying to mount an old Techumseh h-40 to an old rupp minibike frame. I have a question regarding the angle at which the motor will sit. It will not be completely level, it will be at a tilt where the carb side will be about an inch or two higher than the opposite side. I am wondering.. does anyone know if this will be a problem as far as oil circulation? There must be a factory spec, as far as what is the highest degree of tilt allowed when mounting these engines. I have searced the web and found nothing. any help would save me a lot of healing.
well, today I managed to get a Tecumseh senior service tech on the phone. I was advised that their engines have maximum reccomented mounting angle of 15 degrees. Back in "the day", rupp used to mount them at an angle for whatever reason. However doing this requires a special slant intake, which I would have to make or find a used one someplace, to keep the float bowl level. The reason I wanted to mount at this angle was for clearance issues when using a larger engine than the frame was desinged for. But due to the slant intake issue, along with the fact that I would have to fabricate even more linkage to get the governer working properly, I am just going to cut the frame and re-install the engine mounting plate in more of a level fashon... Thanks Though.
update... you can mount the Tec engine at a slant with no issues. no slant intake needed. apparantly, the carb still works when tilted forward. go figure. Rupps were set up for an HS-40. My H-40 is a shoehorn fit, but runs like a raped ape.
That carb in the picture is not my carb... I have the standard Tec bowl type...In theory, this should not work, but in the real world it works like magic.