Joined: Mar 4, 2004
Points: 751
Re: Craftsman snow bower..need help..
Reply #2 Mar 12, 2006 4:02 pm |
Before starting this procedure make sure the "iginition" key is out, the throttle is in the off position and the spark plug is disconnected. I also like to put a 2x4 into the discharge chute so that the impeller will jam if something unexpected happens. All directions ( left right, front back) are from the point of view of someone staning at the control handles looking toward the auger.
The procedure that I follow is as follows.
1. Put some packing (2x6s are good) under the traction system between the wheels so the wheels are off the ground; 2. Take off the plastic cowling at the front of the engine that covers up the pulleys and belts; 3. Loosen the bolt on the idler wheel for the auger belt 4. Use a heavy screwdriver and place it under the auger belt so that it gets caught between the belt and the pulley when you slowly pull the starter cord 5. Lever the belt so that it is over the lip of the pulley and then continue to pull the starter cord until the belt is off 6. Use a ratchet cargo strap to connect the auger housing to the handles, looping the strap around the auger clutch leaver and hooking onto the auger housing., The clutch should be engaged; 7. Keep the strap loose so you can let the two halves come apart but tie it so the havles don't fall open; 8. Remove the bolts ( I've got two on my machine), this should allow the auger housing and traction housing to hinge open; 9 Untie the strap and let the halves slowly open 10. Fiddle around and get the old belt off the large pulley at the back of the auger housing; 11. Fiddle around and get the new belt onto the auger housing pulley; 12. Use a twist tie to hold form a small loop in the belt so that the belt is held ont the pulley and doesn't hand out the sides; 13. Using the ratchet pull the halves together until the bolt holes line up. This is where having the clutch engaged helps since the clutch lever will clear the housing more easily 14. Put the bolts removed in step 8 back in and tighten; 15.Undo the twist tie and start putting the belt back on the engine pulley. Start on the left side of the pulley, when the belt goes tight pull the manual starter and the belt should goe onto the pulley; 16. Adjust the belt tension by moving the idler pulley as necessary and then tightening the bolt. 17. Put the plasitc cowling back on.
Once you have used the blower or at least run the auger for about 15 minutes check the belt tension.