Part: remote axle lock Original Message Feb 10, 2006 12:22 pm
I was looking at the 11HP models at HD(we have a 926LE) and the drive setup seemd to be the same size. Does anyone know if that remote axle lockout can be ordered and installed on a 926, and if so for how much. I am able to turn it, but it is not as easy as I would like it to be.
this has been addresssed by snowmann. My recollection is that he as said the engineering and cost would be eway too prohibite. Do a search and u should be able to find his post.
It would not be a simple or inexpensive switch. The axles and wheels would need to be replaced, as well as a host of parts to be added. It is not currently available, but a volume of calls to Ariens could change that.