Joined: Aug 22, 2004
Points: 301
Reply #2 Jan 16, 2006 11:21 am |
the first thing to do is be sure the engine has the proper spark plug, too hot of a plug will result in burning lean, too cold of a plug will result in burning rich. out of adjustment points, or air gap if its electronic ignition will cause a weak spark thus incomplete combustion resulting in what appears to be a rich burn also. after acertaining all the above are correct, check compression both dry and wet test. if comp. is higher with the wet test, as a rule indicates worn cylinder/rings. if theres no noticible change, usually indicates a burned valve or other compression problem.
also check to see if your oil smells like gas,.....if you have a fuel leak through the carb, into the engine it will thin the oil allowing it to flow past the rings & getting excess, thin oil into the combustion chamber leaving residue on the plug. be sure your using the proper weight oil also.