Does anyone out there own one of these?
I bought it new in 1998 and have dispised it since Day 1. It has been in for repairs more than I care to mention.
Long story short....
I am using the thing to cut down overgrown grass at my camp. I TRY to make it cut through some tall weeds like golden rod which doesn't have a very thick stalk.
What is the secret to keeping those cutting cords on the machine without having them fly off as soon as they hit a weed? I found that cutting the stock cords a little shorter helps keep them on longer because they are not smacking into the side shields when the head is spinning. But they come off WAY TOO EASILY!!!! I hate the machine with a passion, I am constantly re-installing cords until I get sick of it and put the thing away.
Any secrets? I am installing the cords properly and I am using the recommended cords they sell for this albatross. Of course the Sears 'Service' Center says nothing is wrong with it when it is in for repairs.
If I hadn't paid so much money for it, I would throw it by the curb side in a heartbeat.