uncle purchased ariens 8526 from the depot Original Message Dec 30, 2004 7:25 pm
tonight i was over my uncles house listening to him whine about having to shovel his driveway the other day and how his backis now hurting him. his driveway is like a parking lot. Huge. he is loaded $$$ and is so tight that if he put a rock between his but cheeks a diamond would fall out. i told him without being rude that he needs to spend some of his money and buy a snowblower. he asked how much and i told him at least a grand. well he went into a rant and almost had a stroke. he is 73 years old, looks 50. used to be a professional wrestler. i told him that if he was going to whine i was leaving. i then offered to take him to home depot to look at machines. he agreed. after spending an hour telling me the meaning of a dollar i said well thanks, when you croak i will buy another snowblower with the money you leave me. he laughed and said, ok what the hell. so he then picked out the 8526. he paid for it and we loaded it onto the truck and took it home. once there i put gas into it , checked the oil, and fired it up. took it to the snow bank in his driveway to show him what it could do. his jaw dropped :o. 50 years in this mansion he built and never used anything except his 1930 shovel. he has now seen the light. a very happy man ::).now, things i noticed when using the machine. first the chute was floppy so i checked the bolt to tighten it up and found there was no nut on the bottom. found a nut in the toolbox and fixed that. then i started checking all the other stuff and found that everything was loose. i told him to put it in the shed and i would come back in the morning and give it the once over. ill let you know how i make out tomorrow night.
This message was modified Dec 31, 2004 by TheKneebiter