i have a hondaHS928TAS=9 hp with a track drive. My driveway is 18 degrees(looked like 30 degrees, but i measured it with a gravity protractor)- so i spent the 2 grand and got it. ( i have a $33.00 lawn mower to make up for it= 22 degree lawn).
I love it, a wheeled blower would NOT have the same traction. YES, they are a grunt to move when not running, but one should have a parking space for it and run the blower 2 times in the summer anyway.
I tried my old neighbors "streerable" blower and did not like it. My dad had ( and still has, with carb problems) a 1990ish craftsman track drive= i liked that too.
The honda motor is a lower rpm torque monster
. The big cost in the blower is the Hydrostatic Transission®, i change speeds and direction ( forward and reverse) WITHOUT disengaging the drive level
=faster blowoing.
Hope this helps 18 degrees