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I Got A New Sound System!!!
Original Message Jan 24, 2005 12:50 pm |
I think that I may have a problem with my subwoofer. I have a Logitech Z-640 5.1 surround system for computer. Untill recently, my subwoofer is doing alot of rattling as if it has been blown up. So, I used a flash light to look threw the screen the best I can. So far that I can see, the material looks perfectly fine. I don't see any holes or tearing. I was thinking that mabie the rattling is being caused by something loose inside. The thing that I hate about this unit is that it looks like I can't take this apart! However, in the back where the electrical and audio connections are made, it looks like there are screws that I can remove to get to there. But see, not sure if that will help me or not. In your experiance, could a subwoofer tear in the inside only? What do you think could be causing the rattling sound?
This message was modified Feb 5, 2005 by Termy
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #1 Jan 24, 2005 2:01 pm |
I have the same PC Sound System and have had no problems. The only reasons I can think of that your Sub is Rattling is that: 1. The internal amp may have screws loose. 2. If you were playing sound with loud bass the voice coils might be damaged. 3. The magnet in the back may be loose if improperly constructed. By Removing the rear panel you may be able to access the inside but at the same time possibly voiding the warranty if you got one. I highly doubt that the inner material would tear as it is constructed out of a heavy material and could possibly have a steel or aluminum cone (ALLUMINUM-Alumminum??). What is the volume you play your music at and what level bass-Low/Med/High--- It could just be a defective Sub.
XBox Live Tag-Nobium DBCrew AKA:Tech9-Spaz12
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #2 Jan 24, 2005 2:18 pm |
Thanks for replying. Glad to get help from a person with the same system! Wow, I feel lucky! I will answer your questions the best I can. I usually play my music and games at the maximum level of under half way, and over one quarter. Base level in windows is 50% and the sub valume in the back is at maximum. Never had the rattling before. If I am to take off the back panel, do you think I can get to the amp? And what would the amp look like? Like ahh what shape? This way I know what to look for. Also knowing the width of that back panel being small, I think since you have the same system, you understand that it may be a little hard to get in there. I do have a 2 year warentee. I bought it on the 7th month of 2003. It would be still under warentee right? I have another question. Lets say I was to return because I do have the warentee, I don't have the box it came anymore, do you think I can still return it to Best Buy as long as I show them the receipt? Thanks for your help in this matter. Edited to add that recently I did hook up my music keyboard to the system and put it up to half way on main valume level. It only does the rattling sound when base is envolved. If I turn the base all the way down in windows, it stops doing it. Which tells me, the vibration must be doing something in there.
This message was modified Jan 24, 2005 by Termy
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #3 Jan 25, 2005 2:16 pm |
From the sounds of it (No pun intended) the sub is fine since it is not constantly running at max, therefore it is probably just a loose screw or something. The amp would look like a cube/rectangle encased in metal or it might just be and open amp with no case (components exposed). You're right, it is a pretty tight fit so you might have a tough time reaching in but the amp should be bolted to the removable panel or at least close to it. The system should still be covered by the two year warantee unless you open it up. The back of the best buy bill/warantee states that as long as you have the bill/proof of purchase they will accept it. ""IF"" you don't have the box or other materials it came with they deduct a small amout from the money you get back or something like that. There is still that small chance that the sub's "Voice Coils" (Copper wire coils) are rubbing against the magnet. Depending on what the humidity, temperature, and if it has been in the sun it may be damaged,causing the surrounding material holding the sub in place to be worn out causing a rattling sound, ( had the same problem with 20 year old speakers but your sub isn't 20 years old lol ). Np with the help.
XBox Live Tag-Nobium DBCrew AKA:Tech9-Spaz12
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #4 Jan 25, 2005 3:07 pm |
Thanks a bunch Nobium! You have taught me a lot. Because now I know what voice coils look like. But, I am curious as to what the voice coils do? I did not keep the original box, but kept the receipt and warentee information card. I called Best Buy and they said it would have been better if I kept the box, but they said that they should be able to work something out. The trick is, if you still have a warentee, use it. Because as soon as you remove the back panel, you loose the warentee. So therefor, I will take it back and get a replacment. You seem to have a good understanding of what is inside a speaker. Thumbsup to you!
Toro 828LXE
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #5 Jan 26, 2005 5:28 am |
Terminator, I have the same system as well. Do not open the subwoofer if it is still under warranty. Even if you found the problem and fixed it, the sub is supposed to be in some type of vaccuum housing - you may damage that vaccuum when opening it (I never have so I can't say how easy it is to screw it up). Best Buy should have no issues for a replacement unit. Simply get a new box, open it up and take out the sub - then Best Buy can ship it back to Logitech with a defective slip on it. Good luck - for a small computer sound system, they rock! One of these days Velodyne will make a sub for computers and then we can truely celebrate high quality sub sound from our games! Now back to Half Life 2. --SnowRemover
 It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! --Friedrich Nietzsche
Toro 828LXE
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #8 Jan 27, 2005 3:03 pm |
I live by Maximum PC. They gave this system a Kick Ass reward, but it costs about $200. The 8" sub doesn't bottom out until near deafening levels. It is even better than the Klipsch. Maximum PC is the only mag that will tear a product to pieces, even if the company just bought a 10 page ad spread. Be advised, this is no "budget mag", with reviewed systems often costing over $5.000. --SnowRemover
 It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! --Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #10 Jan 28, 2005 12:07 pm |
I would like to try my Panasonic 800 watt TV surround sound system on the PC here. The z640's are not my favorite choice of surround sound. They are good to an extent of woofer power and bass quality. I find that as long as you don't put the bass up too high it will be good but it then gets distorted easily on higher volumes. My 900$ surround sound on the other hand has AMAZING sound! i play Bass techno and Blast it loud enough to knock the windows out lol :) the bass is incredible, no distortion even at max, only problem is that it annoys everyone else in the house at that level. The logitech has an 8 inch sub i believe, my panasonic system has a 7 1/2 inch sub with a 340 watt amp. Aluminum cast cone with rubber bushing around it. rear firing and front ported. I sit a foot and a half away from it, KABOOM!
XBox Live Tag-Nobium DBCrew AKA:Tech9-Spaz12
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #11 Jan 28, 2005 5:35 pm |
I have an Ariens 926 Pro because I like Orange
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #12 Jan 29, 2005 8:28 am |
Toro 828LXE
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #13 Jan 29, 2005 9:25 am |
This is what I am looking at now. Its the Logitech Z-5300 This sucker is one of their best models and praduces alot of sound. I should have got this in the beggining.
Terminator, my first post in response to the Z-5300 was deleted by ChrisS, but I'll repost because I think it will help you out. According to Maximum PC their favorite 5.1 system is the Z-5500, their favorite 4.1 is the Logitech Z-560's. They were disappointed in the new Logitech 2300's. Based on your interest in gaming, high quality computer audio and videocards, I'd say you'd love a subscription to Maximum PC. It's about $10/year. Good luck, --SnowRemover
 It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! --Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #14 Jan 29, 2005 1:54 pm |
Ajace, those are 2.1 systems. Goog if you don't game alot. But for me, 5.1 is what I need. Altec Lansing being the best, and Logitech being 2nd or third. I am going to buy a Logitech Z-5300. Ow and snowremover, I want to get the Z-5500 but it costs just too much. The 5300 is right in my price range, and when I checked on the specs, it puts out alot of sound. About ChrisS deleting your post, he would not do that unless he had a good reason to do so. I am not sure why he did, but you will have to take that up with him. I have to say thanks for the information on maxumim pc. $10.00 dollars a year is not bad at all! Can you give me a link to there website so I can subscribe? Thanks...
Toro 828LXE
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #15 Jan 30, 2005 2:08 am |
Their web site is MaximumPC.com, but they only sell subscriptions for the CD/Magazine version ($30 year). This link, for $12/year is just the magazine at Amazon. Good luck, --SnowRemover
 It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! --Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: I Think My Subwoofer Is Shot!
Reply #22 Feb 5, 2005 6:35 am |
I know it's not computer stuff but if you're looking for a good 5.1 or 7.1 system that will also do a fantastic 2 channel stereo, consider the following. It's my exact set-up. You would have to find these particular floor speakers, they are out of production today. But Klipsch makes some great new ones, I don't think they produce quite the sound these do though. The Denon and Klipsch product make a beautiful sound together. Klipsch KLH 2 Floorstanding speakers  Klipsch RB-5II Bookshelves for Rear's, Sides and Center Back  Klipsch RC-3II Center Channel  And a Klipsch downfiring sub in your flavor of watts. I'm running 400w. Then hook em up to this 7.1 channel Denon AVR 3802 at 110w per channel. Or any Denon AVR receiver. 
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Re: I Got A New Sound System!!!
Reply #27 Feb 6, 2005 5:28 am |
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Re: I Got A New Sound System!!!
Reply #28 Feb 7, 2005 2:44 pm |
Thanks Marshall for posting that link! (y) It interesting and fun to compare different models from other ones. The only thing I don't like about Altec Lansing is that they don't update their site that well. For instance, they have many more models of sound systems and the ones they have on their site is just a few. But, acording to a friend of mine, Altec Lansing makes the best speakers. I am not really sure if that is just his opinion or not, but I usually agree with alot of what he says so I am thinking the same way lol. The thing that irritates me about Bose is that they are so overpriced! I mean, you look at their units and they look so small, even the sub unit. I understand they use some wave guide technology, but still, come one, they look so dinky small like they could never put out the sound that my new system does. They want freaken 600 here 800 there. A little 350 there and mabie a little 400 here. To them, money does not make a difference with them, to us, we have our pocket book and its not that big. So I guess what I am saying is that Bose is for rich people not for people like me.