Dodge you drive the Rest I drive the Best. That thang got a Hemi?SWEETTTT
Location: Pride La.
Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Points: 197
Off Topic Anyone besides me still cutting grass Original Message Dec 4, 2004 11:26 am
Since there is no Off Topic forum i have to post it here. Well i just finish cutting my yard and mulching leaves. I will more then likely cut it again sometime before Christmas. My grass is just as green as it was in the spring and summer. Its been 3 weeks since i cut it last and i should have cut it last week but it was raining when we got back. I cut about 1 1/2" off today. We still have not drop below about 36 deg and that was the other night. Its been lows in the 40's 50's and 60's mainly 60's and highs in the 60's and 70's mainly 70's. So our grass is still growing i just cant believe that we haven't had a frost yet. The trees still have green leaves and some brown leaves and some have fallen already but still have a lot of leaves to go. They said this was going to be a colder winter then we have had in a long time. Well its the warmest one i can remember in a long time. I'm ready for some cold weather its just don't seem like Christmas to me as warm as it is.