As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )
Joined: Sep 15, 2002
Points: 7730
Vote for your favorite Bond Girl.
Original Message Jan 17, 2005 4:35 pm |
As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )
Joined: Sep 15, 2002
Points: 7730
Re: Vote for your favorite Bond Girl.
Reply #2 Jan 17, 2005 6:14 pm |
Yes, she was a child, thus the term "Bond girl" not woman. LOL
Barbara Bach had the Russian thing going on and was pretty damn hot!
Lois Child (Dr, Goodhead) and Corrine Clery both, had a certain, all American, refined intelligent woman, attractivness working pretty good!.
Jill St. John and Britt Ecklund both, played a great sexy Bond Bimbo roll.
Jane Seymore, in my opinion played a very sexy tarot card reader as (Solitaire), and was pure as the driven snow until she met Bond.
Tanya Roberts and Denise Richards both, seemed to be too "new" or too "modern day" to me.
Honor Blackman, ($#%* Galore), was a great actor and p[layed a cool roll but was just.....well.....ahh, don't need to explain. LOL
Caroline Monroe and Shirley Eaton were certainly hot but, not nearly enough to outdo the best.
Ursula Andress, well what can you say? The walk out of the ocean while singing, Under the Mango Tree, will go down in history as one of the sexiest scenes in Bond films!
And Highwind my friend, I agree whole heartedly with you..........
Carol Bouquet had the eyes, the hair, the soft sexy voice, the "glancing look" and personality. I voted her top Bond Girl too.