As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. ;- )
Joined: Sep 15, 2002
Points: 7730
Re: I had my name changed
Reply #16 May 24, 2005 2:45 pm |
Terminator20, What's so cool about your name? If you called youself "Iceman", "Popsicle", "WitchesTit", ""or "No $#%* Frosty" then it would be a cool name. Termy has such a final note about it sort of like an ending. HEY MODS, I want "Terminator20" now that it's available. Selling it on e-bay for a small fortune, along with my collection of used possessed spark plugs. Wind, ROFLMAO I'm taking No $#%* Frosty if Paula will take Witches Tit.