Nice day for a mow!!
Location: Chicago
Joined: Dec 5, 2002
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Re: A Treat From Termy!
Reply #9 May 2, 2005 8:32 pm |
I've got a great idea!!!!!!!!! Terminator, you can do a sound clip every day, but we have to guess what it is. We can call it "Name that Termy audio clip." It will be HUGE!!!!!!!! Bigger than Oprah!!!!!! Here's how it goes you post a sound bite, and the world guesses what it is, in the form of a question, also addressing you. For example, "What is a Stihl model FS250R Trimmer, Terminator??" would be accepted, or "What is the horrific screams of pain from a field mouse having his legs pulled off, Terminator??" Or, "What is the report of a M500, or half stick, going off under an elderly ladys mobile home, Terminator??" See you can make the sound anything ya want, anything ya have handy, that will keep us on our toes guessing.