I must admit that I was exagerating a bit about the shirts and tee shirt......but whenever it is above freezing here we rejoice.
My wife has a harder time with the long cold winters here then I, but you do get tired of the salt on your cars eating rustholes in them, scraping ice off windshields, starting the car 15 minutes before going anywhere, etc,etc.
In a month from now i'll be taking my wife on a Carribean cruise.....almost a medical nessessity to give her a break from the cold to keep her in good spirits.
It is currently 17 degrees here and that will be our high today, tomorrow it will be around 8 degrees and a bit of snow.
May all here have a blessed and safe Christmas.
Frank D.
Ariens 1332DLE Pro, Exmark 52" HP ZTR, Gardian Generac generator, Shindiawa T230 Excell/Honda PW, Craftsman rototiller, Favorite IPE- My Mac + Ipod- No Windoze for me!